Monday, September 15, 2014

Manipal Diaries

It started with a knock. Not the typical less noisy ones but the hard loud ones.

It was before the start of my second sessional exams in college that I had my first supernatural encounter. I used to live in 11th block hostel of MIT Manipal. In front of our block was a couple of row houses. The kind you get to see in some Hindi horror movie. Old and rusty but charming in their own way.

It was somewhere in September end of 2006 when the first series of knocks started on the main door of this particular row house. It used to be like knocking in middle of the night or sometimes in the interval of 1 hour. Initially the boys who stayed there used to think it as a prank being played by some other boys (as generally is the case in boys hostel).

After a week of the initial series of knocks, the frequency increased. Generally it used to happen from 11pm – 4am in the morning. Knock knock knock. And no one would be there outside.

Once I went to do group study with this friend of mine who lived there. It was just the two of us that time in the row house. Around 11pm we heard the first knock. I went to see who was it at this time of the night. Opening the door found no one around. Came back and had just settled down to study when the next knock happened immediately. This time my friend went cursing out all loud swearing to beat the shit out of the guy playing the prank. Me and my friend didn’t believe in supernatural stuffs and being science student always thought about a rational reason to all things unknown.

So my friend went to check the door but found no one in the vicinity. Cursing out loud he came back to the bedroom and closed the bedroom door without locking it.

The next time the knock happened, both of us were white faced rooted to the respective beds. It happened on the bedroom door and no one was in the house except the both of us.

The day after the above incident, 10 guys decided to catch hold of the person doing this. Me and my friend by now were convinced it was something supernatural after witnessing last night’s happening. But then the other guys were still firm on passing this as a prank.

So on 10th September, 2006 the 12 of us stayed up all night to finally catch the source or person of these knocks. We all sat in the bedroom from where we could see the front door area through the windows. Lights were switched off and curtains were drawn leaving a small gap in between for viewing. Inside 10 guys were ready with their share of hockey sticks and wickets to pounce on the trouble maker.

We sat from 11pm-4am, but no knock happened that night. Tired we all were just about to go for bed, when the knock happened around 4:30am. In an instant all 12 of us were at the window and what we saw will forever make me a believer of the supernatural and also the rest 11 of my friends.

With our jaws dropped and eyes wide, we heard the knocks on the front door but couldn’t see a soul in sight…!!

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